Life Lately + Blog Updates
The past couple months have been interesting to say the least. I know that probably sounds incredibly ominous, but what I mean by “interesting” is that I feel like I’ve changed a lot mentally, for the better, in the past few months, and that will most likely change the content I will be posting on this blog. That’s not to say I won’t be posting at all, in fact I want to start posting even more, but my interests have shifted a bit and the content I want to create is a bit different than the content I have been posting for the last year or so. About two years ago when I re-launched my blog, I made it very clear that this blog would no longer be just a beauty blog, and for the most part I tried to diversify my content to include more lifestyle related posts about interiors and living in San Francisco. I’ve loved making that content for the past two years, but I’ve also grown a lot in the last few years, and especially in the last few months.
My interests, as of late, have become less focused around material things like clothes and makeup, and honestly I’ve just stopped caring about those things as much as I used to. A lot of this I credit to the move to have a more sustainable lifestyle and I’m totally content with where both my wardrobe and makeup stash is at. I think I’ve just discovered other hobbies that make me happy and just learning how to enjoy the simple things in life rather than constantly being worried about work or other stressors. I want to focus my content more on lifestyle as that is the content I’ve enjoyed making most in the past few months. I’m not quite sure what the next few months has in store but we have some really exciting summer plans that I am very much looking forward to documenting both for myself and for you all.
Part of these changes will also mean writing some shorter blog posts here and there that take less time to write because honestly with a full time job, I’ve found it hard to write lengthy blog posts consistently. I want to be more consistent with my content overall and I love the process of creating so I want to incorporate more image-heavy posts along with some wordier ones sprinkled in here and there for variety.